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With the help of Dr. Phil Maffetone’s books and website, I’ve cut down my marathon time from 4:11 to 2:44 in just a few years. His work has made a tremendous impact not only on me, but also on my family and friends around me.
I completely changed my approach to running by slowing down significantly in my training. For me and many other runners, patience is the hardest part of low heart rate training, but it really works!!! For my recent Boston marathon PR I trained 94 percent of my runs at a low HR. My runs are so much more relaxed and enjoyable now. I’ve also been injury free even with training peaks of 80 miles weeks.
I modified my diet by cutting out processed carbs and refined sugars. I’ve also learned how to listen to my body more and reduced my stress levels. My energy levels are now much higher and I no longer experience migraines.
I’m a much happier and healthier person because of all the things I’ve learned from Dr. Phil Maffetone and I highly recommend his work to everyone.
Read the full story

I have been following your nutrition and training advice since 2009. My only regret was not learning about it and using your philosophy earlier in my endurance sport lifestyle. I had my fastest Ironman while following your advice and never had any more gastrointestinal symptoms during a race ever again.

Vacation mode, morning run. Sticking to a low HR, following the MAF Method. Two minutes faster than my last run. #beatyesterday

I’m LOVING the long term pace and fitness gains. Thank you,

Dear Phil,
we do not know each other by person, but I wanted to contact you, as I trained according to your 180-formula and, aged 37 with two kids (0y,5y), living in Freiburg, germany, finished my first (due to covid: DIY-) Ironman in 11:43 yesterday.
After having had many years, where I did not make it to the start line due to heavy colds and flus in spring that lasted for weeks and months, I finally made it this year without any issues. Until November ’19 I trained pretty intense as I did not really have a heart-rate orientation (I, having a PhD in theoretical neuroscience, was always confused by the complicated HR zones and could not decide between the one or the other complicated training advice) and was used to the training I did during my youth – “go hard or go home”. The last 6 years I ended up with monthly colds and flus wondering what I do wrong as I eat very healthy and do not have too much stress in my everyday life.
Searching for training-inspiration I found your interviews with Floris Giersman on youtube in october 2019 and bought your book “Endurance training and racing”. I thought I could give it a try and started to do all my training (besides 1 swimming session per week) below (180-37=) 143Hr. The first result: I did not have any flu or major cold since then besides a little 2-day cold before christmas which has never happened in my whole life. From february 20 to may 20 I decreased the average heartrate to 127 beats, did not really go above 135 and ran faster and faster each month until I easily ended up running 330km in may, which was never possible before (even not in my youth), as I normally struggled with leg or knee injuries (and colds) with more than 60km per week (and had a cold after <3weeks). From february 20 to may 20 I increased my running speed with exactly the same average HR about more than 40s increasing the running volume from 140 to 330km per month (on the same road, yes, I am a scientist… 😉 )! Since then I added lots of biking, reduced running, and continued the HR training regime, having many long and easy bike rides without lots of food and long runs for more than 3 1/2 hours that were actually fun. And yesterday I made it (first ) to the start and (second) to the finish line and had an amazing day… tapering was easy too: I read the title “take it easy” from an article on your website and knew what I had to do…
During yeterdays full Ironman I never ran out of breath and I never ran out of gas, I never felt bad. Until 32km of the run I could hold a steady pace and only had to reduce pace because my leg muscles were pretty tired and I did not want to overdoe it having my family and kids around me – had many stops where I danced, yes, danced, with my friends and family. I finished the last 10km with a lowered speed but also with a ridiculouly low and easy heart rate that I never had run a single kilometer the years before october 2019 – amazing. Coming home, I had a pizza-party with my family and friends -sitting, yes, fair enough, but -without having any physical or mental trouble and without ever having thought “never again”.
So: Thank you very very much for the “easiest and best training advice ever!” for long distance endurance sports. It works…
All the best from Freiburg,

Dear Dr Maffetone,

I hope this finds you fit & healthy in these trying times.

My name is Michael Hines & I started using your methodology back in February this year. I was 65 yrs old and reasonably fit, not sure about the healthy bit.
I had had an health screening 4 months earlier where I was told I had an incompetent heart & was overweight. Whatever about being incompetent, possibly in more ways than one,
I thought he had said “incontinent” but my ears had deceived me, I didn’t think I was overweight. I am 176cm & weighed 82.3Kg.
I ordered your big yellow book in Feb & did the MAF test. In the 1st week I went from 82Kg down to 77Kg and then 72Kg in the 2nd week. I am now holding a steady 68/69Kg.
Exercise wise I had been riding over Christmas quite comfortably at 140bpm for 90 – 120mins so trying to ride at max 130bpm, I know it should have been lower but,but, it wasn’t.
During the two week test my Avg heart rate was 125bpm with a max of 133 and power was about 115 -120W. Jesus, that was terrible but I persevered and today I’m riding at
125bpm but holding 170W for the Hour. The Highlight of my journey was on the 9th June when I rode 215Km at 120bpm in 8 hrs 30 mins with 1400mts of climbing. All thanks to your method.
The guys I ride with can’t believe how I’ve changed & that I look & ride better than I have ever done. My only problem now is not to show off my new found fitness, there’s always someone
out there that’ll put me in my place, I keep forgetting I’m now 66 not 46.

Thank you for this new lease of fitness & health you’ve shown me. I’ll hopefully do your MAF Foundation next year when resources are a bit better & I hopefully get back to work. This CoVid has
put a stop to all sailing, probably till next year, but better safe than sorry.

Once again, a BIG THANK YOU.

I’m really enjoying the course – it is helping me put some pieces together that have eluded me in my personal fitness for years

Ivan, amazing and concise response. Thank you. It has helped immensely with my understanding.
I am now 18 months into my MAF journey, and rest assured, I am not only benefiting from it with vastly improved health (no more hay-fever, and colds and flu!), but I am enjoying each and every run I go on. Each run is at or below MAF HR, and because I’m enjoying it so much, I’m not interested in increasing the intensity. It has had a positive impact in my life and I will continue to use it for decades to come.

I’ve been coaching and training MAF for 36 months, doing this course is inspiring and I’m loving it. It’s everything I believe and even goes with my motto “Less is always MORE”, health and nutrition and then fitness.

Keep up the great work. Dr Maffetone has changed my life for the better.

I’ve been following the MAF method myself for years and now integrate my best understanding of it into my coaching practice. I am a NSCA Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist as well as a certified Rock Guide and apprentice Alpine Guide with the American Mountain Guides Association (and an AIARE avalanche instructor, but that’s less relevant here 🙂 ).

As an endurance athlete and mountain guide myself–and a relatively small and lean 35 year old woman who often guides men much larger than me and who are culturally prone to bias which may make them doubt me at first–this training has been so magnificent for my own ease, confidence, comfort, recovery, etc. In my younger years, I relied on my toughness, but nearly burned myself out and edged into some scary overuse injuries. When physical therapy and other trainers couldn’t fully resolve my injuries, I set out on my own learning path (so classic! haha), and that’s when I found Phil Maffetone.

…Actually, I had remembered seeing that big yellow book next to a dozen local pasture-raised eggs on the tailgate of an older “dirtbag” climber in Yosemite Valley as he was whipping up a healthy breakfast. I had chatted with him a bit about his endurance training and how he was aligning it with his nutrition–a year later, that older guy (no one famous, just dedicated and hard-working) free soloed a big and difficult route in Yosemite which had been a groundbreaking feat by a pro just 30 years prior. I connected some dots there…

Now I am on the older side of guides and getting stronger every year (with improved ease and recovery), and my younger colleagues look up to me for the balance and ease that I exhibit, and as one of the more rare models of longevity in our field which I hope to continue to display!

I am so thrilled to see that you’re developing a MAF certification program. I will sign up for the fundamentals to get started. If you have a moment to explain a bit more what this will all be about, I would love to hear it!

Thank you for all that you do and I look forward to more education on the MAF Method!

This test is an amazing experience. I am an overweight ultra-triathlete with zero discipline in nutrition. First I thought it would be difficult to go through it. With planning and determination not that much. The biggest impact is weight, around 6 kgs (13 pounds) loss – supported also with waist size change. Tiredness disappeared after meals. Now what remains is to take this experience forward …

I have been using your methodology for over 30 years with great results and well-being and spreading the word much to the disbelief that you have to train slower to get faster !!
I have recently retired at age 55yrs and have more free time to increase my training and have dug out my old, really old MAF books to read again. I have just checked out some of your web pages and downloaded the free book .
I look forward to improving my fitness and getting back to the elite levels I have achieved in the passed with a full time job and young family.
A tip I recommended to people I have coached is to use several different courses be it running or cycling etc and rotate them monthly so that each time you go out it becomes a monthly MAF test and if done correctly you see improvements every time or week you train.
I mean 4 different long runs or / and cycles per month and repeat
Keep up the great work
It has changed many lives

I am 62 and started adhering to your program (MAF HR – running, diet, rest, etc) about 12 months ago. My goal is to continue to be a proficient long distance ultrarunner for a long time to come. I’ve found your program EXTREMELY beneficial as I’ve taken 2 minutes off my MAF test times. But most importantly I feel so incredibly good/healthy. Many aches and pains have ceased totally! With the exception of a current case of plantar fasciitis (due to overreaching mileage too fast) – I have not been injured or sick.

I ran my first 55K this year at Antelope Canyon and finished 2nd in my age group at 8hr36min. I’m running a 50-miler in May at Bryce Canyon and hope to finish between 12-13 hours.

Question – I’ve read in “Fast After 50” that the average person’s aerobic capacity decreases by 30% during his/her 60’s. And that interval training is the only way to combat that decrease. What is you viewpoint on this? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you for being a BIG positive influence in this period of my life!

I want to thank you for all you have done for humanity. I’m a chiro of 34 years and former Big 10 football player turned elite cross country skier over the past 35 years. Keep it going phil!

I discovered MAF training in 2003 while preparing for my first half ironman, it was a breath of fresh air. Since then, I have looked at and used every method available but I continue to come back. I love it for several reasons. One, very low injury rate. Two, allows for individuality. Three, brings joy to training and four, it’s a self evaluating system; i.e. if you’re not making progress, something is off, eating, sleeping, Iron etc. Being a coach, this is the method I used for myself and endurance clients.

I have been training (running) with the MAF method since April first. I started with it after a 5 month running break. My times were very slow (14 mins) but I stayed consistent, I ran 77 miles in April, 93 miles in May all at MAF and by the end of May I was at 11 minute MAF felt amazing about these kind of changes in just 2 months time. On June 1st I started the two week test. I have lost 9lbs in 11 days

I have been using the MAF method to marathon training for the past nine months. A marathon I ran last fall (immediately before commencing my MAF training) was at 6:30 pace. I have only gotten my MAF test down to 7:43 average mile, so far. My mile splits during MAF tests are extremely consistent from mile one to mile five. The greatest differential between them has been four seconds (first mile has always been the fastest).

Am 68 most likely have been over training my entire life. I enjoy running trails and longer distances. Unfortunately in the last couple of years I’ve been unable to maintain a good base mileage. I’d love to be in the 35-60 mileage range. I do Pilates about 6 times a month with a personal trainer and TRX 3 times a month also with a personal trainer. I also do Elliptical with Ifit trails and also have an elliptical which I can take on the streets. I’m very excited about this new training method and look forward to many more years of great trail running and racing.
Thank you for renewed life

I had completed my first marathon but had all the markers of overtraining and came to the conclusion that just because I could run as fast as I was running didn’t mean I should have been running that fast. I started exploring effort-based training, ran into the Maffetone Method, tried it – and was stunned I couldn’t do it at all. I was supposed to keep my heart rate below 120, but couldn’t get it to be there. It would go 80, 90, and then zoom straight to 150! I’d have to stop and walk until the hr came back down again, and those first few days took almost 20 minutes before I could get the hr to finally progress from 90 to 100 to 110 and then 120. It was very frustrating, and slowed me down almost 4 minutes a mile. I didn’t like it, was embarrassed to be running that slowly, but did it anyhow. 3 months later, at that same hr I had regained 3.5 minutes of the speed I had lost. 3 years later I was nationally ranked at some stupidly long runs (more than 100 miles). So, I have evidence that it works.

I am doing MAF because I jumped into triathlon’s with no training and went full speed ahead into it. After several months I was not getting any gains in performance. A friend of mine mentioned MAF and it made sense, so I did some investigating and listened to several of Phil’s podcast interviews. I never built an aerobic base before, instead I went straight into anaerobic. So I decided to take a couple weeks off with no training and then start solely MAF training in the middle of May. I am going to give it a solid 6 months before I take on any anaerobic training and focus on next years Tri season.

I have started following the 180-formula, having also changed my diet after completing the 2 week test. I am loving running to a heart rate – keeping training super relaxed. I have been running for many years and have completed many marathons, but at the moment I feel a bit like Neo in the Matrix – I feel like I’m only now finding out the truth about running. It’s very exciting and I can’t wait to feel the benefits.

I used to do a lot of Crossfit style training, lots of intervals, weight training etc, didn’t do much ‘true’ aerobic exercise except for general easy walking, which looking back wasn’t enough to balance out all of the anaerobic work I was doing. My resting heart rate at this time was high (looking back I could ‘feel’ it at the time, but I put that down to ‘just’ being stressed) and when I got a HR monitor and checked it it was in the low 70s which I thought was high for someone who did so many hard workouts.

14 months later after following the 180 formula and doing a lot less high intensity training (probably only a few times per month now) it is down to about 51-56, depending on what sort of day I have had. I think this is a reasonable number for someone my age (26) and who doesn’t handle stress that well – although better now than in the past.

Hi. This just a quick overview that I have done in the passed 5 months since I discovered the 180 formula. I am a keen cyclist I have been racing criterium races for the last 7 years. Each year in the off season I train differently to get some improvement for the following season. This year I have done all my training at the 180 formula. I am 53 so my max aerobic HR is 132. My test is on rollers in my shed on a 50/12 tooth after a 15 min warm up I set 30 min for the test and see how far I would travel in that 15 min. The first test 5 months ago I travelled 20.2km I did my last test 3 weeks ago and now I travelled 22.8 km. this is a great improvement. I have 1-1/2 months to go before the criterium season starts again. I am now only doing one anaerobic training session a week. I am looking forward to the racing coming up. Thanks for the formula.

On our 3rd day of the test so far! Feeling great and challenged!

Thank you. I have been able to achieve faster runs with a higher heart rate, but at the expense of a long recovery. I’ve noticed a very good workout with your method and a much quicker recovery

I did this test a number of years ago. One thing I did not expect is that all my allergy symptoms went away. Tree pollen didn’t bother me anymore and at the time I had cats and they didn’t either.

I was pointed to the site by a colleague of mine. After perusing and reading what I thought was pretty revolutionary to me, since I had never been exposed to lower heart rate training before (no pain, no gain, right?), I bought a heart rate monitor and started training right.

After 10 years of not being able to run between intermittent lower back pain and exercise-induced asthma issues, I had tried to run again, with miserably slow results and no improvement after 6 months. In the three months since I have started MAF training using Dr. Maffetone’s low heart rate techniques, coupled with some positive diet changes, not only have I improved significantly in my run time, but have also lost 20 pounds when I didn’t think I had much to lose. I am still base building, and will probably continue to do so for the next 6-10 months, as my time continues to improve.

I ran my first 5k last weekend and (surprisingly enough to me), despite allowing my heart rate to rise above the MAF threshold for the first time (and by a considerable amount, even), I had no breathing difficulties at all, and even finished the 5k faster than I had anticipated. I’m continuing to train for longer races, and running about an hour per day, 5-6 days per week. The most important parts of all this are:

I haven’t had any breathing difficulties while running for the last three months since starting low heart rate training using Dr. Maffetone’s guidance, and
I haven’t had any lower back pain in the last three months

Other health benefits include:
My intermittent headaches are gone
No more migraines
Lost 20 pounds
Better night vision
No random leg aches and pains
No sugar cravings
No bowel irritability, thanks to cutting excess carbs
No more insomnia
Better stress management
I actually enjoy running now, which has never been the case before
I’m healthier now than I’ve ever been before!

I’m hooked. I bought the Maffetone Method and the big book of endurance training and racing. I’m training up for some longer distance races now, but taking my time, of course. My first half marathon will be next February, though I think I’ll probably be ready for it before then. Thanks again for everything.

I did this test a number of years ago. One thing I did not expect is that all my allergy symptoms went away. Tree pollen didn’t bother me anymore and at the time I had cats and they didn’t either.

I’m 59 had a heart attack 10 years ago that left me with 15% heart function. Your method is the first that really makes sense to me. I started the 2 week test 3 days ago and so far so good. I see my transplant doctor this Wednesday and will discuss with her (Dr. Joyce Wald @ U of P) what I’m doing. I have always been active and since my life changing event, I have crossed the Grand Canyon twice and back pack whenever I have the chance. I have been in the gym on the Aerobic machines and have now gone back to trail walking. I hope this method will bring me more endurance and help me work around my low heart function so I can live a long time and be part of my grand children’s lives. I’m very grateful you have given this to us and for your independent thinking.

I will be 80 years old in September. Was a pretty successful competitive runner for over 40 years. Started having a lot of leg muscle soreness, especially around hips. Thought I might need hip replacements or some other fool thing. Began studying the 180 formula and am starting out slow and will keep the aerobic level from now on. Will post my successes and failures over the next year. Have been riding 25-50 miles on my bike three days a week since cutting out the running over the last year. Have missed the runs. Going back to the LSD practice now and hope be back to long trail running by 2016. Smiles out to all of you folks who are ageing strong.

Hi, I am a long time follower of Phil’s training method. However, I only recently — 7 days ago — dug in for the 14 day test, suspecting I have some degree of carbohydrate intolerance (and being a well practiced sugar addict). I am BLOWN AWAY 7 days in from one metric alone: my blood pressure. On Day 1 it was 134/85; today it is 108/69. I am so stoked. I learned of my 130s blood pressure at the Leadville 100 in 2000 (pre-race check), was really surprised given my high level of fitness, and resigned that it was “who I was.” Of course, I ate high card/low fat at the time. Thank you so much, Phil, for opening this new door.

one and a half years ago my chiropractor introduced me to The Big Book of Endurance Training and Racing which has, at the age of 45, not only changed my life but the life of my wife and teenage kids. I have become fitter beyond what ever imagined (and its only the beginning) not only breaking PBs by training within HR but biochemically glucose, LDLs and HDLs coming back in balance.

I am an endurance runner (since childhood) who has competed in triathlon during the 80s and 90s and now does ultramarathon trail racing. I have a resting heart rate in the mid 30s when trained and a max heart rate rate of only 160. I am 46. I started using the Maff formula last year in an attempt to address chronic nausea while engaged in longer 3 hour endurance sessions and found that the perceived effort was actually on the higher side of my all day pace… I settled on a training rate of 115-125 for several months, and combined with a switch to a high fat diet went from bonking in a 50k on 300 kcal/hour to finishing 30 minutes faster on 150 kcal/hour. My nausea after events has considerably improved and my performance/results have too. I think building the aerobic engine is the key. Thanks for any feedback you could give.

I’ve finally started in on MAF heart rate training. I was going to three years ago but hooked up with a Bowerman disciple as coach. That training may have had something to do with my declining performance in 2013 working towards a second marathon that year, fatigue, pneumonia, other health problems surfacing, etc. Finally close to normal and weird issues off and on for decades are all being sorted now…

I’m just starting! after 3 years of awfulness health: low energy, swollen tummy & guts or everything possible… i have great expectations about the diet! i just want to feel good again!

Dear Dr. Maffetone,
All too often a day in the office turns into a good one when one of your posts pops up and I wouldn´t miss that for the world.

Just wanted to add my experience here. I started following the program in late June, after continuously running into struggles with cramps, fatigue and nutrition on long runs &amp; races. After reading about the MAF 180 method, it made sense to me. I looked back at my effort over the past couple years. I was training too hard, too fast, too often! I was on the path to OTS and it didn’t look good. I looked into MAF a bit further and found out about the difference between slow &amp; fast twitch muscles, what they use for energy and which is best suited for which type of activity. i finally had something to work with going forward. I was willing to give it a shot because my approach needed a change.

I started out very slow, sure… but was (still am) adamant about staying at/under my MAF heart rate (I’m 40 but have been training for several years without injury, luckily) which I find between 140-145. long runs, short runs, big vertical and flats it didn’t matter. i hiked and walked if I had to and focused on 15 min warm-up with at least the last mile in cool down. everything slowed way down, but I started feeling *tremendous* after each run. I even started getting Runner’s High again!

this past weekend was a great reminder, after 8 weeks of consistent MAF training. I went for a 30-mile run up in the Colorado high country (9k-12.5k altitude) but forgot my HRM. I focused on staying steady and hiking where I needed to based on my perceived heart rate. I ended up finishing the run feeling fantastic! I was immediately able to eat a hearty meal afterwards, I didn’t suffer from any cramps, no puking or nausea and I actually ended up with with lots of leftover energy afterwards to devote to my 2 little ones at home.

This is a big breakthrough for me as a mid-pack competitor more focused on finishing well/feeling great than placing. I do believe that by following the MAF approach these past 8 weeks, I’ve slowly-but-surely built more endurance and have more overall energy. I think this is another key to longevity in my running and adventures. May not work for everyone but I am seeing the difference and plan to continue on the path.

Thanks so much for sharing this method and increasing the discussion!

I had a baby 3 months ago, I was fairly fit before – ran 5-10 miles a few times a week, and am trying to get back into running shape. With perfect timing, I read about the 180 MAF method in a running magazine and can’t wait to apply this to my getting back into it!

The first time I got onto Phil’s method was through a professional athlete I trained with a guy called Andrew Meikle when I was 14 odd. Andrew used to train all the time with a HRM and naturally I began asking questions. I think I had almost tried all formats of training and never worked at a very young age. Then he gave me one of Phil’s original books called ‘ everyone’s is an athlete’. I read this about a million times and applied the use of a HRM with his help and understanding. I still live and die by it now. Believe me, when you get that drop whilst running and your monitor tells you, hey mate, you now need to go faster at the same heart race pace…. Well,, that my friend is exactly when you realise Phil is a mastermind! What this training tells you is that your body is more efficient now and that means you can go faster because you went slower. Make sure you give it time, it really is amazing. I am a total convert for the last 25 years now and spread the word all the time. The new site is amazing and I think we all hope that Phil is still around shelling out his amazing guidance and wisdom. Would be great to meet him one day out here in Australia! we can only hope!

Yesterday was the first time when I run using the 180 formula. I run for 10.5km at a 8:39 pace which was very slow comparing to my previous paces. First it was very challenging. There was an older woman over there doing some speed walking or nordic walking and she was faster than me :)) Nevermind, I kept continue on my slow pace having my HR on 150-155 ( I am 25 yers old). I felt very good during the whole run and finished full of energy. I can’t wait for the progression and better results! 🙂

Hi! I’ve been reading about MAF Test lately and I think it would be great to test it myself as I’m a triathlete and my results are not improving despite my training.

Everyone in America should read Phil’s Books.

What I love about this system by the way is that it keeps the “how hard can I push myself” factor out of the equation.

If my times are getting better, it is because I am getting fitter, not just because I’m grinding harder.

And yes, I am someone who will run myself into the ground to do 10 seconds better on a training run, so this is important!

Yes!!! Thank you very much! Very excited to already see the changes from just a few days of the CI test and even though its small incremental improvements I already feel my body adapting to the MAHR training! Looking forward to the transition from beating my body with hard training runs (often plagued by injuries over the years) to more efficient workouts for longterm health!

thanks again!

What intrigued me most about his training approach was the emphasis on heart-rate monitoring, which I am a big fan of already, as you can tell from my workouts above. However, rather than having a variety of heart training workouts like I show above, Dr. Maffetone recommends a simple training method known as the 180 formula.

I train Airmen as part of my job as health promotions director for the Air Force. I am whole-heartedly sold into this type of training, and am trying to do it with different modalities. One in particular is using KB swing intervals to spike the HR to their aerobic max, then rest long enough to let HR drop sufficiently so that the next set does not exceed their aerobic max.

I’m following the MAF method and I’ve never felt better in my life. The 2-week-test proved that I’m very sensitive to carbohydrates. I’ve read Phil’s books with understanding so I know them. Thank you.

It has been extremely motivating reading all the comments. I have enjoyed reading and listening to Dr. Maffatone and have elected to take the test. Wish me the best, I will keep you posted on my experiences and most importantly my results.

Dr. Phil Maffetone does a good job of explaining how to find your MAHR and why it’s a good idea to train in this

Nice information. I am a devotee of yours phil

Having recently read (from cover to cover) Phil’s book, ‘The Big Book of Health and Fitness’ (great, great book, by the way), I am quite interested in learning more about my heart rate during all forms of exercise.

I came across this site 2 weeks ago and am really fascinated with the training concept and have adopted the 180 formula completely in my training these last 2 weeks. Everything discussed here and a lot of the comment responses make sense to me and I can understand the science behind what you suggest…
I really felt my 1st week of MAF made my body feel amazing so keen to avoid any anaerobic work in the week before…

Hi Phil, thanks for all the great info. It becomes rare to find health websites/blogs that are not just quoting and repeating each other but with actually new content.

I think this may be the missing link for me. I have worked the last two years to address my muscle imbalances after years of being morbidly obese. Physical therapy and changing my way-of-eating has been life changing. I was just cleared for weight-lifting! I am going to invest in a heart-rate monitor now…any recommendations? Thank you for including my weight-loss transformation on your Success Page.

I am a fan of the Maffetone Method. I couldn’t believe how much fat I lost and how quickly my pace improved by training to a fixed heart rate and modifying my diet to paleo. Having 10-15 serves of fruit and veg has meant that i have stayed healthy while training for Ironman too. I’m in my mid 40s and on my 3-year journey from struggling to run 5 k’s to finishing in the top 5% in 2 Ironman events, a key to my results has been the Maffetone Method. However, I don’t use the methodology exclusively; if my improvement plateaus, i throw in speed work. Plus despite my increased aerobic fitness, when I cycle in the hills the effort becomes anaerobic. It is impossible for me to keep the heart rate below 140 BPM (I don’t even come close). Yet I see training in the hills as a key tenet of my success.

I’ve stumbled across this test when listening to Chris McDougall’s latest audiobook.
Now,I’m not overweight yet,but very close to bmi limit.
Thank you!

The 2 week test broke through my weight set point which I was stuck at for 2 months on a calorie control approach to weight loss. I had lost 10 lbs in 5 months and then no more. I lost 4 lbs on this 2 week challenge and I am now my lowest weight for a decade, although still 20lbs over the ideal for my height. Also I felt great doing it. Hungry initially and cravings but they all went after a week and my energy and athletic ability are enhanced, more endurance altogether. I am going to recommend this to my Naturopathic and Chiropractic patients.

Thank you for the article. I am one year out from treatment and need to get back into exercise and correct diet. I have gained over 30 pounds since the treatment began just because of low energy. Dr. said it’s a “catch-22” since you need to exercise to have energy, but need the energy to exercise. Again… thank you SO much for the article!

I used to weight 90 kg as recent as 02022020, and although I do run (which is about once a week), my hrm easily exceed 170 and hit 180 if I didn’t monitor it closely with the hrm earbud. My speed would be around 6km / hr.

Sometime in March I decided to run slower but at a Maf hr of 140-150 instead of trying to run faster. it’s kind of embarrassing to show such a low speed. Nonetheless I persisted, and helped by the limited business trips and business meals that can be done during this time, I found my speed has increased to 8-9 km per hour and I weighed as low as 76 kg yesterday.

Without feeling too tired from running at that heart rate, I can run 3-4 times per week, and by using the heart rate earbud where I set to hear about my speed and heart rate every two mins, I found it much more user friendly than using a watch as I don’t have to keep looking down at my watch screen.

Just finished the two week test and i’m feeling great. I’ve lost 2.2kg and 2-3% reduction in Body fat…
Its a very interesting test and i’ve learned quite a lots in the 2 weeks, I will definitely be changing my diet going forward.

Made it through week one – even after throwing out my back and wanting comfort foods but avoiding them. Was pleased to be down 5 pounds – considering I could not get the scale to budge more than a half pound a month in the previous four months.

I will be on the post-term period starting Monday. My two weeks test went fine, not hungry at all (only once in an evening because I did not eat enough during the day), no headache, lets say I faced no issue at all. So far I have lost about 1.2 kg

Thank you! Your Carbohydrate Intolerance test is the reason I discovered I am sensitive to grains and sugar. I have lost a total of 142 pounds and my life has been transformed. I found your website by accident when I was looking for gym shoes! I have a weight loss blog if you want to read more of my story:

I am just someone who has had a lifestyle change to become healthier over the past two years. My success has been mostly a result of the advice I received from your books, as well as your interviews that I have listened to on the Internet or watched on YouTube. I am 51 years old and a physician. I am 5’5″ and weighed 180 pounds two years ago (in the obese range according to BMI), and was leading a sedentary lifestyle at the time. After reading your books I changed my diet, eliminating refined sugar and other refined carbohydrates as well as most packaged foods. I also started training according to the “Maffetone Method.” I am now a lean and muscular 134 pounds and feeling better than I did when I was 21 years old!

I have found success both personally and with my athletes in using Dr. Maffetone’s training methodology. The time-tested MAF 180 Formula has worked with all my athletes – who range from the high school to masters level. The MAF 180 Formula allows them to train in a holistic manner and continue to make improvements year to year. My athletes have less injuries, their best results, and enjoy their training more all while being healthier! You can be fit and healthy – the caveat is you must take a long-term approach to your training and being willing to commit to building a solid aerobic foundation.

I’ve followed your training methods for many years and for me there is nothing which approaches its level of success. The restraint you recommend in training, for which I use a pulsemeter still, on occasions, really pays dividends. My story also is largely that of weight loss by diet. I was training all down the years but the low-carb approach produced the chap in the Yellow Jersey, as I now am. I lost 40 lb and am keeping it off.

Dr. Maffetone is among the most innovative thinkers in the field of exercise science. He has created a novel, easy-to-use heart rate-based exercise intensity guide for people of all ages and athletic abilities. Dr. Maffetone’s training program differs from so many others, with its focus not just on the next race, but on a lifetime of healthy living and exercising. I personally follow his 180 Formula and dietary advice and recommend it highly to the athletes I coach. What is perhaps most remarkable about his program is the number of athletes who run personal best times at various distances without high-intensity interval or tempo training. Dr. Maffetone has changed the way I look at how to train most effectively.
Former member of American team and current qualifier for Danish team in World Championships in ultra trail running.

I began studying Phil Maffetone’s teaching and writing on the areas of human performance and diet almost 20 years ago. Phil’s principles have afforded me a solid and necessary understanding of how my metabolism functions – and how to maximize this function for optimal results and efficiency regarding all aspects of living. While currently practicing a very demanding subsistence lifestyle in one of the most unforgiving environments on the planet, I am able to maintain acute awareness of my body’s needs and limitations. As such I maximize my output, and minimize downtime and discomfort. Whether it is 60 degrees below zero or 90 degrees above, I seldom miss a day of prolonged, vital outdoor activity – I simply cannot afford to.
Former U.S. Navy SEAL, competitive middle-distance runner, and solo flat-water canoe racer. Presently living a vigorous subsistence lifestyle in Alaska’s remote Interior.

I’ve been running since high school, got back into serious training in 2010. I was training very hard with loads of anaerobic work, had PRs of 14:30 in the 5K and 1:08 half-marathon in 2011, but was on tip of always getting hurt. After that, had bursitis for three years and just started running again in October. I wanted to take a new approach, starting reading up on you, Mark Allen, fat-burning, etc. My first MAF test in November was 8:39. Been doing nothing but MAF on swim, bike and run, and my MAF Test Feb. 1st was down to 7:09!