Editor’s review: A strength-training program that works for everybody — and every body.
For the past two years I’ve been working closely with Dr. Phil Maffetone to pull together his decades of fine-tuning the MAF system for strength training. This revolutionary — and totally safe and natural — approach is now available as his latest book, Get Strong! in ebook and in print.
Get Strong! flies against all norms we commonly associate with improving strength — intense gym workouts, bulky muscle mass, sculpted bodies in mirrors, and of course the “no pain, no gain” mentality that goes along with all of this. Each year millions of people join gyms and health clubs, take trendy classes, and buy expensive equipment assuming they will get stronger. Most will simply give up due to boredom, burnout and the additional stress that such programs add to their lives. The high failure rate is a testimony that these plans are not sustainable typically for even a few months, much less the course of a lifetime.
Many endurances athletes including runners, cyclists, triathletes often lack sufficient strength they need to be fit and healthy despite spending large amounts of time training for their sports. Since I participate in both endurance sports and many other activities that require significant levels of strength, I’ve always had an interest in staying strong within the context of the MAF Method, which I’ve followed for more than two decades.
As the editor of this book, it was of particular interest that Phil’s approach closely mirrored my own intuitive process of developing a personal plan for strength training. Many of the methods used in this book, including “MAF Slow Weights,” were also strategies that I’ve naturally found through personal experience. Moreover, Get Strong! also has helped me carry this into my next chapter — developing a strategy to combat declining strength as I age. At 60, I continue to get stronger using these techniques with very little apparent loss of muscle mass.
This strength-training plan works for anyone who wants stronger muscles and bones, and it all begins with just one simple movement. That’s right — you are just one rep away from getting stronger. You don’t have to block out large amounts of time, commute to a gym, spend a lot of money or even work to the point of muscle failure and soreness to do it. In fact, it can be done from your home, office or back yard, if you choose. However, if you wish to use these simple strategies at the gym, they work there just as well. Either way, you’ll find yourself getting leaner and improving muscle tone as you get stronger without adding unnecessary bulk.
Get Strong! is definitely a a plan for everybody and every body. I am proud to have been involved with producing this new book.
— Hal Walter, senior editor and MAF Founding Coach
Search ‘Maffetone Get Strong’ at all major publishers to purchase the eBook. Printed copies are only available from Amazon.
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