While women generally live longer than men, their quality of healthcare is lower and they spend more of their lives in poor health. But this may only be the tip…
The who, what, when, where, why and how it can happen to anyone, including health practitioners and patients, athletes and dieters, teachers and students, mothers and fathers, you and me.…
Serving unhealthy food and drink to hospital staff, visitors, and patients may be unethical, especially when we see what happens when bad foods are removed. (more…)
Striving for longevity without dysfunction is an ancient art. Whether you’re in your youth, an aging athlete, or even a grandparent or beyond, it’s never too early to choose youth…
Big Sugar has sprinkled our society with political injustices, leading to increased rates of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer and other chronic illnesses that devastate lives and economies. (more…)
Find and fix these 7 health and fitness hazards that can slow you down One of the most common questions I receive is from athletes asking why, despite all the…
The Oral-Nutrient-Brain-Body Pathways The glycemic index (GI) has gained popularity since the publishing of a landmark study by Jenkins and colleagues in 1981 entitled, “Glycemic index of foods: a physiological…
Truly health-conscious consumers choose to avoid artificial, unnatural and synthetic chemicals, but often — and unknowingly — consume these in dietary supplements. Misleading information on supplement labels is the most…
Body language is millions of years old, and has played an integral role in helping humans survive as a species. Our sitting and standing stance, and the way we move,…
Coralee Thompson, M.D. Many female athletes have menstrual problems associated with training. One study (Arch Phys Med Rehabil, May, 2007) showed that 40% of a group of female triathletes had…
An important assessment and treatment form of biofeedback Tens of thousands of health and fitness professionals use some form of manual muscle testing in their work. The objective of muscle…