‘The Overfat Pandemic’ tackles the global problem that threatens the health of 5.5 billion people.
On the heels of his recent scientific studies on the subject, Dr.Phil Maffetone has released his latest book “The Overfat Pandemic — Exposing the Problem and Its Simple Solution for Everyone Who Needs to Eliminate Excess Body Fat.”
Starting with his own personal struggle with the overfat experience, Dr. Maffetone describes how the pandemic now threatens the health and well-being of 5.5 billion people worldwide. He exposes a global conspiracy of Big Sugar and processed-food industries aimed at making people addicted to the very foods that are making them unhealthy.
The term “overfat” is defined as having sufficient excess body fat to impair health. As Dr. Maffetone explains, the condition affects those who are “normal” weight, exercise enthusiasts and athletes, and even military personnel.
In fact, only 14 percent of the world’s population has a normal body-fat percentage, and that number may be shrinking.
Dr. Maffetone makes the case for focusing on the overfat condition rather than overweight or obesity, clarifying the need for a societal shift based on global health consequences and the effects on healthcare.
After spelling out the severity of the problem and the reasons behind it, Dr. Maffetone offers a sensible approach to remedy the situation through personal responsibility for proper food choices and simple exercise methods.
In her foreword to “The Overfat Pandemic,” Lindsay Shaw Taylor, Ph.D., senior writer and researcher at Primal Blueprint Publishing, writes:
“On the face of it, one might reasonably ask why we need another book on the topics of weight and weight loss (or fat and fat loss), diet, and exercise. The answer is because it is clear that many people still do not understand how to eat and move in ways that actually promote health, or they do not feel empowered to do so.”
“As Dr. Maffetone correctly points out, the current system is flawed at every level, from industries that profit from people staying fat, to weight-loss approaches that we know don’t work, to medical and governmental organizations promoting unhealthy food choices, to conflicting information about how to eat and exercise, to societal pressure to behave in ways that compromise health,” writes Taylor, who is also an accomplished ultrarunner and Iron(wo)man.