New research shows the world's oldest and most popular marathon course yields slower times. (more…)
Hal WalterSeptember 5, 2017

This article brings together the combined perspectives of a sports clinician (PM) and a professor of sociology (RS), both of whom have shared the observation that the no-pain, no-gain mindset,…
Dr. Phil MaffetoneAugust 23, 2017

This original research paper has been accepted for publication in the July 2017 edition of International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching. (more…)
Dr. Phil MaffetoneAugust 23, 2017

New research suggests 76 percent of the world’s population is overfat (more…)
MAF NewswireJanuary 3, 2017

Perhaps the most common cause of low quality of life, accelerated aging and chronic disease is the trio of increased body fat, chronic inflammation and insulin resistance. This white paper…
Dr. Phil MaffetoneDecember 8, 2016

All marathoners, from fast to last, predict their race pace, usually by comparing shorter race times, time trials, previous marathons or “gut” feelings. But studies show that the best predictor…
Dr. Phil MaffetoneJune 30, 2016

This paper defines the MAF HR, discusses its importance, and relates it to other standard physiological parameters. Dr. Philip Maffetone I. Introduction Heart-rate monitoring is essential to exercise prescription by health…
Dr. Phil MaffetoneJune 22, 2016

A systematic approach to building health and fitness while improving overall human performance and preventing injury, illness and disease. Dr. Philip Maffetone Introduction In a society strongly emphasizing health, well-being…
Dr. Phil MaffetoneJune 22, 2016