Dr. Phil Maffetone will be speaking in Australia and the U.S. this spring. Check out these dates and events.
March 25, 2017. 4-6:30 pm. Sydney, Australia “Fireside Chat” Q&A with Dr. Phil Maffetone, hosted by Ironman Triathlon World Champion Pete Jacobs. University of Sydney. For more information: http://www.ticketebo.com.au/jacobs-tri/q-a-with-dr-phil-maffetone-hosted-by-pete-jacobs.html.
March 31, 2017. 2-6 pm. Adelaide, Australia. Coaches and athletes of all levels. Information: http://icaka.org.au/2017ICAKAGM.
April 1-2, 2017. Adelaide, Australia. ICAK Australasia Annual Conference (for health practitioners). Information: http://icaka.org.au/2017ICAKAGM.
April 26-30, 2017. San Luis Obispo, California. Four-Day Healthy Running Sports Medical Conference. Also SLO Marathon and Half-Marathon. Information: https://community.raceslo.com/slo-marathon-half-hosts-4-day-healthy-running-sports-medical-conference-bfecd97d128#.1zv4ob3di.