The MAF Fat-Burning Journal will help kick-start your metabolism for the New Year and beyond.
With the holiday season many people are well down the road to poor nutrition, ill health and increased fat stores. Many plan to make a resolution to go on a diet with the New Year.
But diets have notoriously high failure rates. Typically people drop weight initially then gain it all back, plus extra. By this time next year many will have gained even more body fat and be wondering what went wrong with the resolution.
Here’s a solution. This year instead of making a resolution to go on a diet use the MAF lifestyle to turn your body into a fat-burning machine and start feeling better right now. By popular demand, we’ve brought back the Fat-Burning Journal to help guide you in your quest to burn more body fat. It contains a several articles to help you get your metabolism in gear.
The MAF fat-burning plan will immediately help you shed excess body fat and excess weight, and improve your health and fitness. It will even help improve brain function so other New Year’s resolutions will be much easier.
Better yet, going on the MAF plan does not involve suffering, restricting food intake, or denying yourself the pleasures of life — we even have recipes for healthy desserts! What it does involve is making healthy (but delicious) food choices and an easy-to-stick-to exercise program.
Eating Right
Many people plan to go on a diet for the New Year. But rather than choosing between a live free or diet approach, I recommend being free of diets and other hype that abounds this time of year. If the holidays tend to shatter your eating habits, and you’re truly ready to build your health, the best place to start is with the Carbohydrate Intolerance Survey and The Two-Week Test.
Fat-Burning Exercise
Whether you’re an athlete or just starting to exercise, a proper fat-burning exercise program can help jump-start your fat-burning engine, help you lose extra fat and improve your health.
For beginners and seasoned athletes alike, exercise should be easy, simple, free and fit into your daily schedule without stress. The result: you’ll burn more body fat, get thinner, have more energy, improve overall health and slow the aging process.
This year, lose the diet and the fat too. Get with the MAF program and check out the Fat-Burning Journal. It’s a lifestyle that will bring health and fitness benefits immediately for 2017 and beyond!