Join the new aerobic revolution at this new online resource for coaches and health and fitness enthusiasts!
The long-awaited HealthFit University website is now up and running! Health and fitness experts such as Dr. Mark Cucuzzella, Dr. Phil Maffetone, Tawnee Prazac Gibson, Ian Adamson, Jeff Vernon, Robin Desjardins, and others are now ready to bring you the best of the best in education, information, coaching certifications and continuing education credits.
HealthFit University can help you build a better, balanced, fat-burning, energized body for optimal performance.
We teach the art and science of health and fitness. Emphasizing maximum aerobic function (MAF), we bring together coaches, health practitioners and the public to help build a better world.
HealthFit U:
- Provides hours toward certification for coaches who specialize in areas ranging from endurance and strength, to health and corporate.
- Offers CMEs and other continuing education credits for health practitioners.
- Is open to anyone seeking better health and fitness, and improved human performance.
While HealthFit U is new, its founders have compiled over 100 years of clinical, coaching and lifestyle experiences.
Whether you’re a a recreational or competitive athlete, healthcare professional or fitness coach, HealthFit U can help you gain more knowledge about fat-burning, reducing and preventing injuries, balancing hormones, improving brain function and fine-turning other areas of human performance. Our educational seminars and online presence will lead the way.
Please check out our new HealthFit U website, and get access to some of our latest educational videos.