Dr. Phil Maffetone discusses the MAF Method, The MAF 180 Formula for heart-rate training, and other topics of interest to runners on this edition of The Marathon Training Academy podcast.
Dr. Phil MaffetoneDecember 18, 2018

While women generally live longer than men, their quality of healthcare is lower and they spend more of their lives in poor health. But this may only be the tip…
Dr. Phil MaffetoneDecember 10, 2018

The MAF Method places such a high importance on Vitamin D levels, that it is given a dedicated step in the system. Why?
Dr. Phil MaffetoneDecember 5, 2018

While the salt scare has all but ended, casualties remain. Some individuals with reduced health or genetic mutations may have elevated blood pressure when consuming levels of sodium that would…
Dr. Phil MaffetoneDecember 4, 2018